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Leptosoma Not Eating!


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I recently bought 1 male and 2 female C. Leptosoma for a 20inch cube tank. I have tried feeding them spirulina flake and New life spectrum Cichlid pellets but they seem not to be interested.

Are they just settling in? Should i try feeding them something else?



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Hi Moliro -

This seems a very small tank for C. leptosoma? Perhaps - thats just me, I dont have much experience with the fish personally. They are prone to a not-eating, wasting disease - which seems to be made worse with stress!

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Yew is right IMO. Cyps like swimming room. Maybe you could try them on brine shrimp. If they are less than 6cm they shoud readily eat baby brine too. unless the pelets ae very small they wont eat them, they only have a very small tubular mouth designed for zooplanktoon similar to brine shrimp. Also as yew said, when they get stressed, they tend to give up a bit. A large school in a big tank is the best way to have happy cyps IMHO

A pair of dwarf tangs would be suited to such a tank. not schooling open water swimmers.




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i know ideally they should be kept in a large tank but they were doing fine and breeding in a smaller tank at the aquarium i bought them from.

they certainly don't look like they r wasting. i will try some brine shrimp



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Hi Dave,

I agree with YeW's and Jason's posts. Is it possible for you to add them to one of your larger tanks and add to the group? I have tried them with Tropheus spp. without success but I have seen them in someone else's Tropheus sp. tank and they were ok. What is the nitrate reading on that tank?

merjo smile.gif

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my larger tanks all contain tropheus. i have tried cyps with tropheus with success ie. they were breeding however i was worried the tropheus would eat the cyp fry so i sold them. i guarantee that nitrates is not the problem. i don't think i should get more since these c. leptosoma kekese were not cheap!

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got some frozen brine shrimp today and fed the leptos. They seem to not notice where the shrimp r but when they do they do eat but not ferociously. Maybe i am use to tropheus feeding which is always a frenzy!!

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