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Bristle Catfish


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hey guys......

i have a male bristle which is about 10cm and another 3 females.....

but lately i've being seeing the male taking a certain spot... in a dark cave undreneath a rock..... and he is also making weird stuff with his bristles...

like blowing air and then they become wide open and scary :o

does anyone know what's happening.....

he goes out to eat and quickly back in the cave

but u can still see him because he doesn't fit in it that's how small the cave is.....

and there's a female always hanging around him..... but he sometimes chase her.....

thx in adv

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Do you mean the spiky ones on his cheeks? They are defence equipment. Nice and sharp. He might be displaying his equipment as a part of a territorial claim.

Have they bred before?

Hanging about may mean he has eggs in there. If he doesn't have eggs yet, that's where he would choose them to be.

Keep the food up to the wimmen 'noses, esp. nice zucchini and the like. There a number of spawning triggers that you can read about elsewhere (water change at the same time as a temp drop after a gradual rise, etc.). Mine don't worry too much about spawning triggers. They just breed when they are ready.

If he really does hang about in that spot all the time he could just have a nice cluster of eggs in there. :angry:

Are there other fish in the tank that might eat baby 'noses? You might want to think about protecting them if that's so.

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If your male bristnose has his head to the opening of his hide/cave he is ready to spawn and waiting for a ripe female. They boys usually hang upside down at this sage.

If he has his head in and tail out and gently fanning his pelvic fins then he is guarding eggs or fry.


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hey guys thx for the help....

the male is currently hanging upside down with the head sometimes and sometimes the tail........

i have 8 bristles and there's 3 females a bit samller than him and the rest are males........

also i have a breeding pair of jacks which spawned already but they're seperated......

a breeding pair of texas which spanwed and i have the babies in another tank because they're free swimmers now... and they are going to lay again soon...they're also seperated :)

a breeding pair of severums which are showing breeding signs :p

well my final question is : since i can't keep the bristles with the fish can i remove them and put them with he texas babies ???????????

or should i leave them to spawn and then watch for the babies and then remove them with the parents ???? because i don't know the female yet ????????

thx in adv

c ya


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