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pick up


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hey all im wondering if someone can help me im buying fish from jim

(tropheus jim) but he cant make it to the auction and thats my only chance to pick them up as im going with a group and cant travel to jim's to pick them up myself so the question is can anyone pick them up for me and bring them to the auction??? and ill fix them up with either some fry or money or something they are interested in within reason if no one can help thats understandable


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well since ive found out jim is in liverpools somewere i might be able to get them on the way home but i guess ill have to find out later tonight also if anyone could help in anyway it would be great and would make it easier on me and the people im traveling with

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if you can organise with Jim to drop the fish at my place before 10 tomorrow I will take them along. I live in the next suburb to him and he knows where I live. I doubt I will have the time to go there myself, but its the best I can offer. my number is 0414 630 740 so please call me if Jim will be dropping them around.


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