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For all the American Cichlid lovers


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Ok guys we are def the minority here, but I wouldnt mind liasing with you guys to see what you have and have not and what you want to have. The last thing I want is some fish to go out of fashion and nearly by totally unkept in Australia, so im thinking everyone to email each other what we all have and to help each other keep these fish and get good bloodlines going.So If I know someone is breeding say Heckelii i can go and but or trade some of the fish i have that might help him/her and so on

I would appreciate anyones thoughts or ideas, even if you think its a stupid idea smile.gif

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Sounds like a great idea for me Gswalker!

first of all we need a list on who has what?

Have - see below

Wants - Satanoperca Leucosticta/Jurupari

Geophagus sp. Tapajos - Orange/red head

I just have juvies I figure all are from the same batch within the difference species of eartheaters. no new bloodlines unfortunately.

if you want a rough idea where I got my fish from just PM me.

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Great to see guys, Now im sure we wouldnt want to do all out business through a post so I suggest we start on this thread and then PM or email each other when we start getting into specifics.

What i have is:Satanaperca Leucisticta, Red humps, Brachy branchas, Satanaperca lilith. Hopefully will be getting some other rare ones and will let you know when i get them.

Yeah Wilsta PM me with where you got them

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(I don't keep any americans at the moment) Maybe it would be easier for say, Everyone to PM gswalker (or someone) their:

List of fish (adults and juvies and fry) What they have and what they want

Contact deatils, E.G. E-mail, phone number.

And then gswalker (or someone) makes up a list in word or what not,

That has all the peoples names on it in say alphabetical ordering, Stating what fish they currently have, and what they are looking for.

And then send the list to everyone participating...

Then everyone can see where they could possibly go for to get the fish they want or what not.

Just an idea that popped into my head while reading the thread.


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The idea has merit, but I can't see it being any different to the constant recurrence and rebirths of the "Who keeps Americans and what are they?" threads.

And if you all just used the breeders register with a note that said "interested in bloodline trade of species X" then nodoby would have to compile a list or distribute it, as the infrastructure for the set-up is right here. That's my opinion anyway, don't mean to be a party pooper dntknw.gif

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I think GS had a good idea however the breeders registry could also be used to accomplish the same purpose as Ducksta said. But, if you want to make your own list then I dont see the harm smile.gif The only part that would require effort would be trying to figure out exactly how you were going to compile the list

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I believe the intention of doing this list is so the blood lines of the fish are strong this way we can swap young fry that we breed with each other so it isnt all the same line if you get what I mean. As eartheater keepers are abroad and far between I think this way Eartheaters will have some sort of network which will benefit our cause. thumb.gif but how we monitor it is another story.

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or maybe we can add some categories into the breeders registry for convenience. ie. americans, tangs, malawi, catfish etc

at the moment going through all the posts to find what interests some people is quite time consuming.

just a suggestion zipit.gif

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There is only one problem I have with the breeders register, although I keep rarer eartheaters I dont have them at where I live, if i put them on the breeders register anyone can view it and i know of people that have been broken into for fish, so if we did compile the people and names and numbers and stuff like Mezzacam said, i then can use a distribuition list to only goto us and then we can actually swap and buy without any problems.

I know this might sound stupid as I have already listed my fish, but im not worried about myself just others

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That is all too true, I know.

However, I think that the people who wont release the information publicly on the breeders register or in open forum, would be the same people just as hesitant to be added to a contact list with lists of species kept.

Wondering off the top of my head, if anybody would be more inclined to add details to such a list, who wouldn't add the same details to the public register?

Personally I would have just as many concerns about either.

The only way I can see this working *better* than a breeders register, is to have a full time mediator. They would have to be vigilant and dedicated, and they would be the only one with contact details. The rest of the 'members' would get a list of species, and a list of user-ID-numbers or something. Members would then apply to make a trade/purchase through the mediator who would approach the other party, perhaps providing contact details at that point to the second party to allow them to decide if they want to persue it. Or maybe have 'eartheater parties' at the mediators place and trade away there LOL.gif

or maybe we can add some categories into the breeders registry for convenience. ie. americans, tangs, malawi, catfish etc

at the moment going through all the posts to find what interests some people is quite time consuming.

just a suggestion

Then I would need to create and keep up to date 4 different lists no2.gif

When I want to find something that interests me, I use the search feature, so for Eartheaters I would do an open search using genus names. This relies on people using full, correctly spelled scientific names though.

ps. I don't keep any eartheaters no2.gif But I have the best GT's in the country yes.gifLOL.gif

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Thats a very good point Ducksta, well if we get enough people interested i would be more than happy to make a sa or eartheaters register, and then when someone wants to have a different bloodline for a particular species i can find out whos got it and go from there, i just want to know how many people would be interested

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gswalker.....awesome idea if it can be brought together. thumb.gif In fact more Americans is what i would like. I think the register would be a good starting reference to see what is happening in a broader sense. Only general details in the thread (to protect members). In order for your idea to see the light of day people need to be able to comfortably communicate fish kept/wanted. We need not a secretary but a hub of some sort.

I guess it depends on how many are intially interested. If it's like a handful or a dozen, then two members could easily collate a 'list' through email in no time. However if many people are interested (to begin with) then we must find a way to efficiently bring it together. Im willing to help bring this idea to light. Americans need a helping hand here. yes.gifraisehand.gif

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Give me a couple more days and I will have the names of the people that are on the register. also I email email you with what I have then reply by emailing me what you have and what you are wanting to have.

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