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Fish ID


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Looks like these scats have been ramming there heads into the glass. I have seen them that size here ranging from $80-$100 but i dont know whether the prices are different in Vic. HTH Benno

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Scats are not obligate brackish water fishes, they are often kept in freshwater and in can even be ajusted to marine water if they are acclimatised slowly and properly. Unfortunatley, in my experience They are one of those fish that can be fine with tankmates for years but then they may just turn nasty and kill everything in the tank, I know of one silver scat (8cm) that killed a trio of adult (25cm+) F. rostratus just because he felt like it. However, at the same time dont let me put you off with my bad experience, just be wary if you decide to buy.

BTW, the fish you have a pic of is Scatophagus multifasciatus and it looks as though the injuries are from fighting rather than headbutting glass. Check out the one in the background, the injury looks like it came from locking jaws with the other one.


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they seem to do better in brackish water when they get bigger , they may be one of those fish that breed in fresh water then swim downstream as they grow, the wild caught adults (20cm+) were usually only seen in marine tanks and more often than not with large monos(monodoactylus argenteus) the latter only reaching adult size in salt water,but youre absolutely right the juvies are usually in fresh water,just out of interest at youre lfs are the scats still wildcaught or is somebody breeding them?

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