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Bristlenose Breeding Frenzy


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ok i have ceramic log these bristlenose use to breed. Last week or so I got a spawn. So i checked today and found the babies hatch but heres the problem.

Some stupid female went in recently and spawned again!!!

so i have babies (almost finished eating its own eggyolks) trapped inside while the dad is guarding another batch of babies!!!!

Stupid thing is I have 4 other males with similar setups but girls only choose this male sad.gif

SO my question is

1. should i leave it (predators are out there including angelfish (small) and fist sized discuss)

2. should i shake the babies out to fry saver and hope daddy didn't get too freightened smile.gif

Thanks In Advance

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hi well all i can tell you is if ,you want to raise bristle nose ,keep them alone , only bristle nose . anything thats small and looks tasty will be eaten , and the eggs , well if your lucky there will always be more ,good luck ........

rob smile.gif

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The little problem you have is not uncommon with bristle nose. Not uncommon for every female that is ripe to spawn with the one male even though there a several others available. One one occasion I had nine females spawn with the one male over three days.

The other problem you have,,,,,,breeding in a community tank is rarely as successful as breeding in a species tank. As you pointed out ,,,predators!!!

If at all possable move the male complete with his log and brood to another tank with water from the main tank. This is not that difficult. Set up the bare brood tank, then gently lift the log into a submerged ice cream tub or similar and move to the new tank without even taking the log out of water.

The father shouldn't be troubled by this move.


PS.......... Fry savers are of limited use depending on design. Angles a pretty good a sucking fry through the netting.

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hey the only other problem i can see is that from what ive heard and read about bn is that the fry need to stay with the parents to get there amune system working properly

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They need to ingest the right gut flora (bacteria) to kick start their digestive system. Can be done by leaving the fry with the adults (The natural way), or useing snails. The fry browse on the poo and start to digest what they eat instead of starving and wasting away after a few weeks because they can't digest the food they are eating.


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the other reason they need to eat the poo is to get the ammune system going properly so i reccomend leaving them with the parents but moving them so they are not under constant threat from predators

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once the fry have fully coloured, absorbed their 'yolk sac', and start moving all over the tank and not sticking together in one bunch, then you know they have started feeding.

A couple of weeks feeding, ensuring that there is some food left for the fry after Dad's pig out and they should be well on the way.

By this time the female should be well and truetly getting ready for the next spawn, and you can expect another batch within a week or so of the male going back in the female's tank.


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