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OT: Internet Nazi's


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My daily ritual at work comprises of a can of diet coke and trolling through the ACE forum during my lunch hour.

Well, Thursday I open my can, click on the link and I get the message telling me that the Nazi's who control our net access at work have decided to block the forum. So I ring them up and ask in my sweetest voice if they could unblock it, and that as they can see from my net usage I only use it during lunch. Well the answer came back "No, I don't think so love- but I see it's your birthday today, so have a good day"

So my birthday present from the Internet Nazi's at work was to block the ACE forum- and to call me 'love' mad.gifmad.gifcryblow.gif .

O.K, rant over.

Cheers, Cassandra.

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Ahhh don't you just love Network Administrators who love nothing more than to block sites that don't contain offensive or sexual related material simply because someone is enjoying reading it? wink.gif

Take some satisfaction that these freaks probably see daylight for less than an hour a day, and that's probably only between their car and the KFC entrance. They were probably forced to eat unmentionable things at primary school by bullies too, so this is their way of showing the world they exist.

At least that's what I imagined when the morons blocked ACE on our work net.


BTW, I don't think that about ALL Network Admins, just the ones where I work LOL.gif

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If you were only looking at it in your lunch hour, I would continue to harrass them and find out why they felt the need to block your ACE access.

If that doesn't work, go to a higher power.



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technically, it's their internet access that they are paying for and you have no rights whatsoever. Did you know your employer is legally allowed to snoop on all of your internet activity and emails? Just be glad they didn't formally warn you for abusing their resources for non-work purposes (technically they could, even though it's your break it's still their internet connection)

Not trying to be rude or anything, just wanting to let people know that legally workers in Australia have no privacy rights when it comes to computer usage in the workplace. sad.gif

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technically, it's their internet access that they are paying for and you have no rights whatsoever

That maybe so but there is also a thing called staff morale which can greatly affect productivity , it amazes me that people in a position of power can't see the forest for the trees blink.gif

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technically, it's their internet access that they are paying for and you have no rights whatsoever. Did you know your employer is legally allowed to snoop on all of your internet activity and emails? Just be glad they didn't formally warn you for abusing their resources for non-work purposes (technically they could, even though it's your break it's still their internet connection)

Not trying to be rude or anything, just wanting to let people know that legally workers in Australia have no privacy rights when it comes to computer usage in the workplace. sad.gif

Yes, but it is normal practice for the employer to inform the emplyee of their rights and responsibilities. This is usally done in the form of an internet usage policy signed by the employee before they are given access.

They should also inform the emplyee if they intend to change the rules.

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Yes 100% true, but these people obviously don't realise that a happy worker is a productive worker.

Bandwidth is getting cheaper by the day. Their costs would not be rising, even if more and more users started accessing "non related" internet sites.

They should be cracking down on porn sites and people who spend too much time on the internet during work hours, not those who quickly browse G rated forums for 30 mins in their lunch hour.

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I was talking to a workmate last week who comes from the bush. He was telling me there was a day when a farmer got sick the other farmers would band together and help him out..all without being asked. People whinging about a little bandwidth over a lunch break, the rights to an internet connection and the rights of the company...the legalities of this and that.... where has the humanity gone rolleyes.gif

People have got to learn to take a deep breath and relax blink.gif

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I agree, we IT Geeks should cuddle our penguins and chill out.

This approach to controlling internet access is more likely to be a result of laziness on the part of the Sys Admin than having anything to do with cost.

An organisation has a responibility to prevent sexual harrasment, pornogaphy downloads etc. The simplest way to control this is to bock all sites and only open the ones the Sys Admin thinks are appropriate (very subjective).

My approach is to unblock all sites and restrict those that cause a problem. We also monitor site access to determine inappropriate use. It takes more effort but I have had no complaints (yet).

I would never block a fish site.

The only problem I find with using the Internet for non work use is that it can slow access for work related task. I don't this forum will have a hugh except with some on the pictures.

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Hey, I agree with you guys, I was just making sure you were aware is all.

Hell I'm an IT nerd & I surf the web at work all the time!

It's just a lot of people are unaware that the company had the rights, not the employee, and I'd hate to think someone complained about it & lost their job or got in trouble for it in one way or another.

I especially agree about the morale factor but management and accountant types are inhuman & can't see the forest for the trees as Luke put it.

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What a bunch of ... err ... *thinks of G rated word* ... bulldust! Network admins drive me nuts sometimes. I have met some nice ones, but also more than my fair share of would-be supermen who exercise the fledgling masculinity at their work place by blocking sites others clearly enjoy. As has already been said, you dont have any legal right to view the site, but I'd be hassling them until they relent and unblock it. I wish there was a better explanation but some people are just tools.

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Very unfair, especially seeing that you use it 'responsibly' as opposed to just surfing all day at company expense. wink.gif

For some technical people (not all) it inputs and outputs, bits and bytes - commonsense and creating a great work environment just doesn't compute no2.gif



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For a long time at work ACE/SCP was blocked, but when we changed the URL to ace.ipbhost.... it unblocked. I was so happy. bigsmile.gif

I imagine that one day it will get blocked again - but i just want to enjoy it as much as i can until that day. Net nazis really suck. Restricting access to p0rn and gambling is one thing (and very reasonable) but fish forums? dntknw.gif

WW thumb.gif

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It's a blessing in disguise, go for a walk, or sit in the lunch room and socialise. It's not the end of the world

Good point Ducksta, it is possible to become a 'PC drone' if you work at a PC all day, then lunch in front of it, then go home and get on the PC... blink.gifblink.gif

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Thanks guys. I know the Internet Nazi's are just doing their job layed out by the company- but they could have pick anyone of 365 days of the year to black it on.

Why would you want to spend your lunch break at your desk anyway?

Duck my man, in a perfrect world I would eat my lunch in the lunch room with everyone else. But there are only 10 people in my office (that's when they're not interstate), and since I'm the receptionist I have to wait until they have all finished lunch so someone will cover the phone. I'm the lowest monkey in the foodchain. laugh.gif That and we don't have a lunch room. dntknw.gif

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