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FAQ Forum


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Hi Guys -

We've got now installed a "FAQ Forum" - there's a link below the live chat icon at the top right of your screen on your screen (or it is the last forum in the list).

We'll be moving relevant posts here - if anyone sees/knows of any topics/threads they suggest should be frequently asked Q's please let a mod or admin know and we'll move them into the FAQ forum. Please feel free to refer ppl directly to the FAQ if the answer is to be found there.

Thanks especially to past/present FAQ masters Kinerata, Ducksta and others. We'll certainly be using their work in a HTML version of FAQ for the cichlids-aust.com homepage.

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Is it possible to duplicate the three pinned topics in the Technical Forum

Recommended Food

Favourite Filters

Which fluorescent light tube?

so that they also appear in the FAQ forum.

One other topic that seems to come up a few times is the issue of tank size. For example




There are a few others along similar lines.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys & Gals -

The mod team (thanks Mods!!) have been moving posts to the FAQ forum. A re-organisation is currently being discussed to make information more accessible.

Has anyone got any suggestions for the FAQ forum as it stands? Or any posts they think should be moved into it??


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Maybe something on mixture of different species of fish


Malawi with Tangs

Different suitable combinations of fish from each lake.

Think this would be helpful so people setting up there first tank dont put in appropriate or incomaptible species together.

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Hi Dave,

As per fins suggestion re-sub forums...I think it is a terrific idea. That way we won't have pages and pages to wade through till we reach the desired option wink.gif

merjo smile.gif

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Hi Guys -

The FAQ is a work in progress. Please feel free to offer constructive criticism here. They are now grouped by sub-forums (incomplete at this point).

Ged -

Cheers thumb.gif . I'll move them in the morning unless one of the mods beats me to it.

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