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Interesting article on Tilapia


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Gee, looks like the NSW Noxious list is very very short. Quite a few have been dropped off the list since I last saw it couple years ago... laugh.gif

Surprising that things like Channa sp. aren't on the noxious list whereas banded grunter, a native species is!!

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I think Channa sp. are covered by federal laws Kev? Like piranha.

I also think you should take the concept of "native" fish a bit more seriously. I would love to know where in NSW you would catch Banded Grunter in its native habitat? dntknw.gif

The fact is, species from other parts of the country pose a far greater danger to our rivers than any imported species.

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I think that is very dissapointing news. Do you guys think that the baramundi in the system will predate on the tilapia, much in the same way that Murray cod eat carp? I know that this will never remove these fish from the system, but it would be good if something could get a feed out of them.

I think two of the worst introduced species - in terms of competition on and with native fish species - is the brown and rainbow trout varieties. But very few people are overly concerned about this because they like to fish for them. In fact the governments in NSW, VIC and TAS regularly release hatchery produced juveniles into waterways. blink.gif Its interesting to think about what is praised and what is portrayed as a pest. dntknw.gif

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There was recently a fishing competition here in Townsville aimed specifically at catching Tilapia, all caught were destroyed of course.

...as for Barra predating Tilapia - what was introduced into lake Victoria again? Oh yeah, the Barra's bigger brother! tongue.gif

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Plenty of media up here about it.

Unfortunately the damn thing propagates too quickly - each female can spawn up to 2500 fry in one hit, 6-7 times a year.

And it's extremely hardy - it can live in saltwater, freshwater, brackish, whatever. And I've heard it can survive out of the water for up to two hours! ohmy.gif

Hence the problem. So doesn't matter what predator there is around, unless that predator is as hardy and spawns just as fast!

Tilapia is a disaster for us all.

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