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Gold spot bn


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I saw some bn in my LFS today and they were labled "Gold Spot Bristlenose". They looked very similar to peppermint except they were brown and the spots were gold, same size spots as peppermints!


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Are they the same ones thay Bay are selling as "Gold Marble Sucking Catfish"?

No they are Gyrinocheilus aymonieri but just piebald from goldXnormal strain

The gold spots as far as i know havnt been brought into the country.

Jamos did they like any from the link gianniz posted??


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Hard to tell from the planetcatfish pics, these fish are still very small 3-4 cm. I would say that it is likely to be them, i guess i will have to wait and see! I have been told that A.Claro should fetch a price tag of around $500 so these were much cheaper! smile.gif


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Gold spotted bristlenose you saw are probably the orange spotted bristlenose going around. My guess is that the orange spot bn are L110.

Ancistrus claro LDA8, Gold marble ancistrus "Mato Grosso". Interesting new bristlenose catty... There are a few around I know of, but NO, they are NOT at Slippery Little Suckers. wink.gif I should know.... laugh.gif

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