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I have some great news


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Hi Gang.

Good news, Dave AKA YeW has decided that he wants to rejoin the forums as an Admin. I have had a long association with Dave and am truly glad to see him return.

This now allows me to take a long earned break from the duties as Senior Admin of the forums.

I have enjoyed working with the team and hope they continue to maintain the high standard that has made ACE Forums the success it has become.

I have been doing this job for a long time now. I was one ot the first admins and am one of the longest continuous serving members on the Admin team.

I have truly enjoyed the time I have spent with you all and will continue to contribute as a regular member of the forums. wub.gifwub.gif

This is my last post as a Senior Admin, I will now reduce my status to ordinary member. Best wishes everyone.

I love you all sadsmiley02.gif

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Welcome back Dave smile.gif Do you own the forum again?

Sorry to see you fall off the admin group Mark. I dont know what the details are but it is a shame a compromise (?sp) could not have been met. We all recognise the hard effort you have put into the forum. All thats left now is to enjoy the forum, relax and let others deal with it wink.gif ...and we'll see you back on the admin list soon thumb.gif Best of luck mate


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I think Dave & Mark have an agreement to swap every 6 months so they both get a break - these announcing threads are just to stir up the forum population. tongue.gif

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Chuck -

I'm just an admin like Andy & BaZ. I dont own the forum. The SCP and ACE have long separated ways, I think for the most part (except for the part about me not updating it enough) the SCP is better off that way.

The SCP is my own personal work/project/shame/etc.

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Hi Dave

Congratulations!!!!! clap.gif

Well done Mark for many years of work clap.gif

By the way Dave on the SCP page I can't get the volume calculations working. I it my problem or is there a general problem with it?



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