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Some planted tank pics


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Just few pics of my tanks smile.gif

Here is my 4x2, I will soon add 2 or 3 discus in it...

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And this is my standard 4ft that I just completed tonight but I ran out of plants (only have hygros and wisterias left) so I gotta shop for some foreground plants tomorrow smile.gif (Let me know if you have some)

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And this is my old pic of the 4x2...

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A pic of an unknown plant that I bought,the shop labelled it as mexican oak leaf sadsmiley02.gif

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Are u talking bout the red one in the bottom pic??? I dont think its wallachi, i saw a pic of something similar the other day, cant remember the name, ill keep looking for it.

Its Not Didiplis diandra is it???? Looks similar, bit hard to tell from that picture

Its definitely not "Mexican oak Leaf" which is "Shinnersia rivularis" and looks nothing like your red plant, but if your talking bout that green one behind the red plant, then it could be Mexican oak leaf

http://www.tropica.dk/catalog/images/produ.../varenr053D.jpg (care of tropica.dk)

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Yep its the red one in the middle, I thought its Didiplis diandra as well, but I saw a pic in aquabotanic.com it looks very similar, but if you look from the top the didiplis looks like "+" and mine looks like * if that makes sense lol

Ive got Rotala wallichii its in the second pic,the reddish plant on the left and the leaves are very fine and hairy...

Or it could be emersed form of wallichii?

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If you have very bright lights, could be a Pogostemon Stellata; are the leaves serrated, and fleshy (rather than hard) stem?

And is that an A. Crispus I see?

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The leaves are quite soft,but if its taken out of water the leaves dont fall down and if viewed from the top it looks like cannabis leaves its got that spikey things on the side sorry I cant explain properly.

I just saw pic of P.stellata and does look like it,slightly different somewhat...

And I bought that A.crispus looking plant as queensland lace.

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Does sound like the Pogostemon; in high light (which mine hasn't had for a while) and sufficient Fe, mine goes red.

If that is indeed A. Elongatus, then it's a very nice one; mine does not ruffle as nicely (has white flowers, and does flower often now that it's established). But they also cross-breed quite easily (so I'm told).

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