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ACE BBQ Melbourne

Chilli Powder

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Wanted to thank the ACE sponsors and ACE Forums on behalf of all members in Melbourne. We had a fabulous time and the weather was good to us also. clap.gifthumb.gif Here are a couple of pics but Stu to a lot more and hopefully be posting soon.

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Stu and David doing the cooking

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Bilby and his son Luke in Action

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This is Stu's little fella enjoying a half a pack of snakes all at once! laugh.gif

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clap.gif Nice shots Arj but you missed the photo of the winner of the boot throw? ME! laugh.gif Thanks to Bilby Jnr and Stu for putting up a bit of competition though! wink.gif Thanks to ACE for putting on the BBQ too, we all had a great time and was good to have a chat to some of the other guys. The one of Stu`s kid (stephen) was hilarious we caught him red handed! Stus got a ripper photo of the boot throw! laugh.gif Thanks again to Arj for organising and Stu for cooking. thumb.gif Cheers Andy
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Hey guys,

Finally I've been able to post - my wife is such a PC monopiliser sometimes! zipit.gif

It was a great BBQ today, really enjoyed meeting some new Melbournians. So many new names to learn, I'm not sure I actually got them all, but did get most (we should have had name tags like the perth guys!?)

Andy, you truly are the boot throwing champion of Victoria, you're going to have to represent us nationally! I still have a sore arm from only three or four throws! Should have done more warms ups cool.gif

Stuart, Luke was saying "where's John?" on the way home, so he has a new little buddy, sorry about his hitting, we're working on that one at the moment, he must have seen it from daddy - when I beat my wife LOL.gif (joking)

Arj, great job pulling this together, well done! Your emergency tomotae sauce delivery was just in time LOL.gifclap.gif

David, you're the glue that binds these types of things together. I haven't laughed so hard in this kind of a social setting for some time, great to meet you and you're family.

I didn't get a chance to really chat with you other guys that much, but good to meet you and hope to see you at another event some time thumb.gif

Looking forward to more pic's



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Hi Guys, What a great day we had clap.gif I'd also like to thank ACE forum and all its Sponsers for hosting the BBQ

Pictures well I have some bad news I was uploading onto the computer last night when the power went out during the process which has seemed to have wiped the card, when I switched the power back on they were gone (107 Pics) and now the camera won't even read the card mad.gif Now I remember why I usually take my film camera and not the Digital

I did have a few on the 2nd card but even they seem to be funny now (Very pixely) now im starting to wonder if I have a problem somewhere here dry.gif

Well here's some of what I have left

Our group shot

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From left to right

Morrie (Calliurus), Luke (in protest), Richard (Aquaman), Rebecca (Bilby No3), David (Boots n all), Andy (Phatoscarlover), John (my eldest), Isaac (Very cute), Janine (Mrs Aquaman), Luke (Bilby No2), Soula (Mrs Bilby), Michael (Bilby Jnr), Melanie (Mrs Spraypak), Steven (I don't want to be up here), Arj (Chilli powder), Stuart (Spraypakstu), Troy (TSMill)

If I have any of the spelling incorrect please inform me LOL

A victorian effort for a Bilby boot throw LOL.gif

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Now lets do it for real

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Thanks Dave (Nice plug for the web site Hint Hint folks)

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And this is what happens when Dad says enough snakes

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Richard, John is asking today if we can go back and play with his new mate Luke and the funny boot man LOL.gif



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Yeah, I still have a sore arm, however I thought it was the boot throwing cool.gif

I agree Luke, lucky they weren't shorts! I was thinking the pose was somewhat dangerous! LOL.gif



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