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Here's a few from the Perth chapter....

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Sumo, Kimbo, Warooda, Giz, Newo...cooking brunch clap.gif

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Applying the labels for "Fish Heads"

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Ummm...someone blush.gif

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"...I think I did my back in..." unsure.gif

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Junior Bilby throw smile.gif

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"Whacha talkin' 'bout Willis" LOL.gif

merjo smile.gif

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Well, I enjoyed the day. To tide you all over until I can crop, Upload and border the rest of the pics I have these 3. Excuse the large file size as I kindas didnt compress them much.


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Pic 1 - Group Shot. From Left to Right back then front. -

Warooda (Liam), Newo (Owen), Kimbo (Kim), Kims Sister Just in front (Can only see hair), Merjo (Andrea), Giz (Nikki), Mitch_Ozfish (Mitchell).

Front: Nikki's son, Newo's Girlfriend, Kim's Brother, Sumo (Kim's Dad), Cort88 (Cort) and finally Anita_Ozfish (Anita).

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Pic 2 - A Tree Photo I took smile.gif

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Pic 3 - Owen winning the Boot Throw Comp smile.gif


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heres a few more:

tracey (newos g/f):

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head chef: anita

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to many cooks in the kitchen:

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its the crew:

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apprentice chef(mydad):

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its a good old fashioned ho-down:

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"this is how we do on the west side cool.gif ":

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mitch anitas son, letting loose:

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Ok here are the results of the competitions that were run....I hope I remember them correctly blush.gif

Crossword winner...Giz (Nikki)

Fish Heads..............Sutto (Darcy)

What Am I?.............Kimbo (Kim)

What Am I?.............Newo (Owen)

Men's Boot Throw........Newo (Owen)......26.5m

Women's Boot Throw...merjo (Andrea)...25.4m

Children's Boot Throw..Jason.................17.6m

Please edit if my memory has failed me Anita LOL.gif

Thanks to all the sponsers and ACE admin for a wonderful day...also to Anita and Steve who organised the day clap.gif

merjo smile.gif

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