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"Pearl Scale" Lamprologus


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Hi Guys -

There's some "pearl scale" lamprologus's being sold at my LFS without a scientific name/locality etc.

They arent caudos - they are vaguely brichardish - though narrower in the body (more like leleupi shaped).

This isnt a "hi-brow" LFS and the staff would be lucky to know a caudal fin from a tail wink.gif. So they cant help me... Given the quality of this shop I'm assuming the fish have come in with that name on from Bay or AI....

Anyone know what they might be?

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The only mention of a cichlid called "Pearl Scale" that I have heard of is Neolamprologus tetracanthus (SYN: Lamprologus brevianalis, L. tetracanthus). I know you have had a look at Chris's suggestion but they are decribed as

an elongated fish with a slender caudal penuncle. The body color is light brown to beige. The body is marked with five or six dotted lines. These are a pearl-white color and runs from the gill cover, back to through the caudal fin. The other fins are also marked with these spots. The dorsal and caudal fins have a pearl-white edging. The pelvic and anal fins have a darker edging. Four broad, barely visible, darker transverse bands are located on the body.


How big were the ones that you saw and apart from the body shape was there any other distinguishing characteristics?


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I would also assume the tetracanthus, i have seen it advertyised as the pearly lamprologous, when they are small they look pretty skinny and fill out lots as they get bigger.

aslo i have seen calvus refered to as pearly compresiceps, but that would be pretty obvious what it was.

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These are the fish that are currently on Bayfish's stocklist (31st Jan 05). I could not locate some of the species (in bold) in the literature that I have.

Neolamprologus brichardi

Neolamprologus brichardi "Albino"

Neolamprologus brichardi "Albino Daffodil"

Neolamprologus hecqui

Neolamprologus leleupi "Orange" – German

Neolamprologus mustax

Neolamprologus olivaceous

Neolamprologus tretocephalus

It may be one of these.


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the mustax is like a leleupi that has a deeper body like a brichardi, but can have a white belly instead of all yellow, but like leleupi they vary from white, yellow orange and even blackish, maybe it is a olivaceous, they have lots of tiny dots up there sides, in about 5 horizontal lines, but knowing brichardi youd know wht they are .

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hey i have seen these for sale from a company called aquarium industries in victoria a shop not to far from me sells them and the only scientific name i can find and the shop owner told me was n leloupi but ill check the list when possible and get back to you

thanks all

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I have seen the same fish, I think it is on a BF list. I am fairly sure that hungsta and Bucky have the answer! I saw a couple of L. leloupi (not leleupi) about 8 years ago and they look just like the ones available now. i.e. a shiny spot on each dorsal/lateral scale, yellow dorsal fin, largish eye and perky attitude. If they are the same fish I have seen here in Perth, then I am 90% sure that this is what they are. There is a good pic at this site (pity that the text is russian or something).


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Andrea -

N. crassus was the first fish I looked up - and they look the most like these.

They are $19.50 each though....is this a good price for that species?

They aint caudos sad.gif.

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hey i have checked it out and the ones that are being sold that i spoke about before are caudo's aparently so the scientific name says but they look nothing like them so id stay clear because to me it sounds sus that the name is one thing and the fish look different could be a hybrid but they do look like leloupi or at least the ones ive seen do


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