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Substrate: Depth

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I was just reading the topic on water changes and how much/often and read something about anerobic bacteria that comes with deep gravel in tanks.Was wondering how one might over come this potential problem if one wanted to have gravel (say more than 2 inches, and no undergravels)in a tank from an aesthetic point of view.

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Maybe by trying to gravel vac as deep as you can to clean out any uneaten food and poo..

I have gravel upto about 3 or 4 inches in some places in my tank.

No problems, but i do regular deep gravel vacs in those areas.. thumb.gif

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Regardless of how deep your gravel is, it is a good idea when you water change, to use a gravel vacuum, and take the water for you water change out this way. You wouldn’t need to do it all the time, frequency will be dictated by how quickly your gravel gets dirty. Of course, the deeper your gravel (and the finer the grain), will increase your chances of creating anaerobic areas within your tank (which you want to avoid). Keep an eye on it, if a gas is released when you gravel clean in a particularly deep section, you may want to consider increasing the frequency of gravel cleaning. Unless you have some specific reason to have a deep substrate, why have it? It will take up room in your tank, and inversely decrease the amount of water volume you tank may contain.


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I don't want to just sit here and say I completely agree with CT ... but I will. I keepy my gravel (or sand) at about 5cm and I never have problems. As long as your gravel vac on a regular basis (I do mine once every 10 days or so) then you shouldnt have too much or a problem. Though unless your keeping deeply rooted plants, why do you need 3"- 4" or gravel in the first place?

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Thx for your input. I have about 2 to 3 inches to the rear of a tank. I am setting up 2 tanks (just got back into the hobby after 10 yrs) and i guess they're display tanks, so i was just interested in what the best way to deal with anaerobic bacteria was. I agree minimum is better, and easier to keep clean.

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