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pictus cats


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ok about 2 weeks ago i went out and impulse bought six 7cm pictus catfish from a friend @ $8 each.

i think i did pretty well.

anyways i have noticed that 2 of them have grown larger that the other 4 so i quickly became interested in breeding them, the thing is i can't find any information on either breeding or sexing them sadsmiley02.gif

any info would be great.


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That's a pretty good buy Ryan.

I myself have 4 pictus cats and i've noticed that only one of them has grown slightly bigger than the rest.

Can you see any noticeable differences in the body/fin structure of the bigger ones compared to the smaller ones? fatter? long and slender? I've read somewhere that the females get more rounded and grow bigger than the males, as in S. multipunctatus.

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They are harvested is such huge numbers from the wild, I don't think anyone has even bothered trying

surely, not every pictus cat is wildcaught...are they?

Can you see any noticeable differences in the body/fin structure of the bigger ones compared to the smaller ones?

no differences that i can see, plus none will sit still long enough laugh.gif

thanks guys


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They are harvested is such huge numbers from the wild, I don't think anyone has even bothered trying

surely, not every pictus cat is wildcaught...are they?

clown loaches are so why not certian catfish?

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what are you feeding yours Ryan? and what sorta tank environment are they in?

they are in 2 different tanks, the first tank is a 4 footer with some juvenile gt's, jd's, and rd's.

the second tank is a custom 100cm x 50cm x 60 cm tank with some assorted malawi's.

both tanks have heaps of hidey holes and also quite a bit of open space.

as far as food goes both tanks get a variety of foods including but not only hikari gold pellets, osi flake,spirulina flake, frozen bloodworm, gambusia, zuchinni.

of course the americans get a more meaty diet and the malawi's get more vegies.

the cats seem to anything i put in there as everything that goes in causes them to go into hysterics laugh.gif .


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its good that they are in different tanks with different species. that way we can see by feeding them more meaty foods as opposed to more veggie based, which ones will grow faster. yes i know alot of other factors need to be considered such as water quality, size of tank, hiding spaces, swimming space etc...

but it would be good to see what the outcome of this is. smile.gif

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Ryan, a long time ago (in a galaxy far far away), I found some eggs in a tank with an oscar, several silver dollar and some pictus cats. I saved a few but I think I remember they all fungused like they weren't fertile. I was at the time unsure if they were silver dollars or pictus, but after seeing silver dollar eggs years later I am certain it wasn't them. I am not saying it was definately pictus, but they were useless anyway.

Thats my story, thanks for reading.

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Unlike clown loaches, the demand for pictus cats is not all that great and wild harvesting seems to satisfy demand. Even so they are seasonal, and are unavailable for several months each year.

If the demand and price was there I'm sure they would be pond bred. Years ago those lousey sucker fish (CAE's) were all wild caught, but the demand was so huge, and still is, that they are even pond bred in different colour morphs these days.


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