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Four foot planted tank


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Hi again

here are some shots from my four foot planted tank. I did a post on this one back in the middle of last year. Things have grown a bit since laugh.gif

Things are looking a little wild - I didn't tidy up but just took a few happy snaps this evening. I can never seem to get good Blue Ram photos though.



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Eastern Creek Rainbows with camera shy Blue Ram skulking in the background mad.gif

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Get the scisors out and prune back the front part. John Fleuran would have a heart attack if he saw your aquascaping attempts mate laugh.gif

Great plant growth though! You're obviously doing something right

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Thanks for the comments guys.

The lights I am running are a Hitachi 40W that I bought on the cheap from the fish club (probably around 3000K) and an NEC 4000 HG. Most of the plants are fairly low light loving (ie., crypts and java fern) and so I get away with the low lighting levels.

I agree with the comments. I'll put a dark card background in and do some serious pruning blush.gif



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I just put some rams in with my neons, cardinals, BN. They are far from aggressive. They have stacks of character though.... a day after i put mine in they were following my finger up and down the glass wanting more food smile.gif. I want to get some rainbows tomorrow at angfa aswell.

If you do a search on google for ram tankmates they often say angels and discus are perfect as they swim in different areas of the tank and both are vey peaceful.



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the substrate fertiliser is 500g of JBL Florapol, 500g of DuplaritG, about 4-5 handfuls of peat moss (Brunnings brand) all mixed in to bottom 1/3 of fine gravel. Larger gravel on top. I was warned by some 'plant experts' that the DuplaritG would be a mistake because everytime I pulled a plant out, the tank would get clouded. But nothing could be further from the truth. I have to keep up the DIY CO2 so that the plants grow and soak up the nutrients - otherwise the algae can build up. But algae's never been a real problem in the tank.

Chillipowder, Thanks blush.gif Yep, I think I might go for a dark blue or black background, any good suggestions where I could find something that would do the job? As noted by Cirulis, Rams would be great with those fish. There are some Cardinal Tetras my tank and there's never any problems. The Rams can get fiesty when they lay eggs but purely defensive and I've never seen them do any damage to other fish. The Rams generally hang around the bottom and so would go well with the fish you listed.



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apparently the peat moss is useful for keeping the root environment slightly acidic, and is very commonly used for this purpose. It's used for gardening too and so you can find it in any gardening section of a hardware shop or supermarket.


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