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Planted tank with salt


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I am wanting to add some anubias and java fern to a tank which I keep a little salt in, 1 tea spoon to every 10l. Will the salt be a problem for these plants? If so are their any other plants that could tolerate this that are also low light type plants?

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I added the plants and at the same time rearranged the decor and yep I don't like my handywork mad.gif . Don't you hate that. I'll let it stay as is for a few weeks and see if it "grows" on me laugh.gif . I also added some giant val which may be the spoiler?? Oh well...

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stay away far from salt in plant tank.

when salt added the plant root will stop take nutrient so u might face algea wost nightmare or plant will deteriating.


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Are you adding salt for brackish water? If you are,seachem makes a product to create that brackish water and is plant friendly so it says, but is a more expensive option and if u have large tank it wont be worth it.

What cichlids have u got? I had anubias with malawis and it turned the anubias into a horrible looking piece of plant and all the new leaves that grew didnt stand a chance, even my kribs eats my baby anubias leaves sad.gif

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