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2ft tank fish


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Can you tell me where and how much u bought that size tank? cos Im looking for one myself to replace my 24x12x12

As to what to put in it, Id be planting it with some dwarf cichlids and cories or maybe even swordtails and breed them for fun smile.gif

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$80 for a 2 footer!!! Sheeesh thats expensive!!!!

Why dont you invest in some of the more rarer bristlenose cats like orange spot or peppermints. That way if and when they breed, you can make your $80 back from the purchase of the tank. And they do look pretty cool when they are visible.

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someone was selling some pepermints on www.cichlidcity.com.au the other day had 2 pairs for sale at $300 a pair which is a good price

i know what store your talking about where you got ur 2fter, you should have traveled and extra 20 minutes and gone into the city


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Most dwarf cichlids ie: Pelvicachromis, Nanacara etc (ie: from west africa or south america will fit into this sized tank).

As far as rift lake cichlids go: Neolamprologus multifasciatus or a Julidochromis species tank would look cool also.

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