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My new rams


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Picked these little fellas up today. Beauties arn't they wub.gif: . I couldn't be happier with the price and quality of them.

Can anyone confirm that they are male and female? Ones got the red belly...female i suspect. :thumbsup



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Yep agree with Merjo!!! The female is definately the back one in the 2nd picture!

Slightly off topic, I would be interested to hear how they are colourwise in a couple of weeks. There have been a lot of fish going around at the moment, labled 'german blues' that have faded significantly after a couple off weeks away from the fish shops

Anyways best of luck with yours! wub.gif

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Thanks for the comments thumb.gif

So far there colour has only got better since coming from the shop. I will take a pic in a couple of weeks and see though.

They were bred in Melbourne from german parents so they are not imports.



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Yeah i made the cave. Its just gravel stuck to silicon. I bought the silicon from kmart...make sure it says aquarium safe on the tube though. When you stick the gravel to the pipe, make sure its dry and put lots of silicon on ( i tried to do it with just a thin coating of silicon but it didn't work). Also do it in sections so the silicon doesn't set before you finish it.



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I made one of those pipes ages ago ! Identical !!

I've never seen anyone else with one thumb.gif

I forgot mine was in the tank when i treated for something one time though, and the silicone turned bue mad.gif kinda spoiled the effect. sadsmiley02.gif

They are gorgeous Rams BTW ! smile.gif

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