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Getting C.monoculas onto pellets..


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I am currently attempting to get my 8 (formally 11...two were eaten by my Saratoga & 1 carked it after the first day I got them) C.monoculas onto pellets. Im using a starvation method whereby I keep offering them pellets (which they reject) for a few days, then give them some bloodworms mixed in with the pellets to keep them going. I then resume pellets only. tongue.gif

Thing is the little buggers are not taking to it at all. Using this method i have been able to get my Saratoga and rocket gar to voraciously take pellets in their diet. This is the first cichlids that I have kept which dont want pellets. Im not sure how long I should keep going for. I dont want to risk the possiblity of permanently stunting their growth.

Any advice greatly appreciated rolleyes.gif

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I have been keeping Cichla for about 4 years their main diet is high protien pellets,

they are available from Clearpond distributors.http://clearpond.com.au/ They supply to 20+ outlets in NSW so you should be able to get it.

The young are fed newly hatched brine shrimp, as they grow they are given high protien crumble and then pellets.

Cheers Terry

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keep them with a aggressive eater e.g oscar

when they see that the other fishes are eating pellets and they will want to

give a try as well. that how i got them onto pellets.

once, they are on pellets.they will eat like a pig

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Thanks for the advice guys..thumb.gif

I suspected that it is indeed possible to get these guys onto pellets. I have a giant gourami in with them at the moment . He is setting an example but he is bigger than them and likes to hog all the pellets. I realise this arrangement is not ideal, but I just cant put the gourami anywhere else. If i put him in my 4ft he will be bashed. If he goes back into AR620T he will bash others.

I'll keep trying & let u all know when I succeed.

btw...what dried food brands are good for Cichla..more precisely are there any brands which might be taken more readily?. Terry your comments are noted, thanks


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I always thought HIKARI pellets were the best when I kept alot of large American cichlids.

Just a thought - the pellets your using aren't too big for the fish are they?

What had they been fed when you bought them? That would be my start point.

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