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Trip to the 'Shire' (Panoramic tank pic)


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It is a male Protomelas taeniolatus Chinyankwazi - common name Fire Blue.

I can see why you are possibly confused, the greenish colour on the sides I can only put down to the reflection of the flash.

He has the blue face with yellowish sides (not as vivid though in the pic) and the anal fin is red.

They are very fast free swimming fish and IMHO are a superb colour species, for anyones show tanks.



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Were there any problems with the scat being with the cichlids at all? ive seen an adult red scat attacking a barra before (watch those spines..lol) blink.gif i didn't think they'd be suitable. They would have to be the strangest fish i have ever laid eyes on.. laugh.gif

Anthony cool.gif

PS: a bit OT but just interested how they go with cichlids smile.gif

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Yes Ryan, it is a salvini - well spotted - doesn't have any red on him, totally yellow.

Ant - I have had no problems with the large scat (aka : Gigantor) LOL.gif it mabe

because he has been with other malawis etc since he was the size of a 20 cent piece and grew up with them. His main antagonist is the silver dollar (they have always been together), they chase each other until the scat has had enough - then he just dips his head downwards and raises his spines - man, you want to see these weapons, approx 50mm long and look lethal. The silver dollar backs up - real quick, and I don't blame him. With his spines up he is one awesome dude! woot.gif

If / when gigantor goes to where all fishies go in the end, I will certainly replace him. wub.gif He is (what I call) the star attraction in my show tank - he free swims along the front of the tank, non stop and comes to the glass - right up close when you put your face close to the glass. He will even do it to total strangers. (even Baz). tongue.gif

So, yes I would recommend a scat, Anthony thumb.gif - only for a show tank though - as they are FULL of character.

Thank for your comments guys. wink.gif


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Yes guys, this is one very nice setup.

It's been well planned, and a lot of time and effort has gone into getting it just right.

The tanks are just half of the experience for me, you should see the filters and plumbing below!

Just don't make the same mistake I did if you ever go to visit. When I got home my wife asked me how the day was and I promptly told her one of the highlights of the day for me was checking out Waz's plumbing blink.gifunsure.gifohmy.gif

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Hi Baz

Thanks for your compliments mate - really glad you enjoyed the day - it was a real pleasure, and we are looking forward to the return visit too. thumb.gif

Quote :

Just don't make the same mistake I did if you ever go to visit. When I got home my wife asked me how the day was and I promptly told her one of the highlights of the day for me was checking out Waz's plumbing

Hey that was outta left-field mate, Dave raved about it being THE highlight for ya.

Bring the missus next time and I'll prove it - Its all in perrrfect working order too! zipit.gifwub.gif

We are talking plumbing here right? LOL.gif (so leave my warn meter alone mods wink.gif ).


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