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Use of Classifieds?.


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I know the classifieds are there for people to buy and sell their fish, Its just that just lately there seems to be (to me at least) a few mis-leading adds.whistling.gif Also adds that contradict what someone has said in a previous post only a few weeks prior. huh.gif People selling because...various reasons. Next thing they are buying fish and lo and behold not long after they have moved the same fish on. sadsmiley02.gif Are there a few predators out there who maybe have professional contacts that are preying on the unwary person who doesn't know the real value of the fish they are selling.

Just seems to not really be in tune with "promoting the keeping and breeding of cichlids".

My gripe for the day!!!

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I haven't noticed this recently, and I agree I don't like to see it, however, if people want to buy fish for a bargain and re-sell them on at a profit, that is entirely up to them.

Some people use the hobby to make money (as many people do with many hobbies - including pets). As long as they don't break any laws or purposely upset other members (by aggressively encouraging them to sell fish for less than what they are worth), then they can trade here.

If people sell their fish at a low price, nobody is twisting their arm. They are obviously glad to get the price or they wouldn't advertise it.

If you have any information or proof of people acting untoward in their dealings, let me know by PM.

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I have noticed it too! It annoys me abit but I just dont veiw there post anymore.

I guess they got the car fixed and found a little more room wink.gif


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why does it bother you so much? its no money out of your pocket, as Andy said people can do what they like as long as they arent breaking rules, have u ever thought that peoples circumstances may change from time to time like moving,cars breaking down etc these are all real things that do happen and if someone re sells fish for a greater profit then they arent really the stupid ones are they?

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As Andy has pointed out, it isnt illegal or even against the forum rules. HOWEVER, if you get a reputation as someone who does this on a regular basis then you may encounter some difficulty finding people to sell to you in the future. Word travels quickly cool.gif

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The forums now have a national, rather than state specific focus and we welcome all Australian and international cichlid hobbyists to join on our online community

Scarfaze I am well aware that people's circumstances change! Obviously you missed the point. As for

then they arent really the stupid ones are they?

Presumably you are referring to the people who sold the fish cheap.

If you have a look at some other forums its quite obvious they have genuine commercial contacts. They can be quite clearly seen to be used as cheap advertising etc. Also the rules for the sponsors who use this forum and conditions of the classifieds are quite clear. My point was it seems some are trying to circumvent the rules.

But as you say its not my money and why should I worry. I don't I already have enough money worries LOL.gif

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