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MikeWs Fish

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I've noticed a lot of forums have had a big increase in memberships since christmas. Maybe lots of people were given tanks (or computers) for chrissy laugh.gif

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I've noticed a few forums lately being 'spidered' (I think thats what people call it)

It's where bots cycle through the board, usually to collect reference terms for search engines. I don't know if the registration process on this board would stop that happening though?

I remember late last year, Chuck's Perth board had 300+(?) users browsing, when in actual fact, only about 4 of us were on LOL.gif

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Not sure Ducksta. The security on this board is pretty tight, so I'd assume it wouldn't happen.

It didn't happen in this instance though. There were only one or two users I didn't recognise out of the list, so it wasn't just a random list of member names.

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Search Engine spiders are a good thing. They Index every page on the forum so that when people put in searches into an engine like google, relevent information will be presented. Its the best way to gain new membership. Yahoo (inktomi) can be a little vigerous every once in a while though. My board got hit with over 300 page views from yahoo in one 15 minute block. This sort of indexing can be a pain as it pulls the resources of the board but it is better still to leave it turned on.

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