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Bloated catfish


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I have three upside down catsfish. I think they are named as above. I have noticed that 2 of the three are very bloated almost obese. They are in a 4ft with various other cichlids. Im guessing their diet has caused this. They would be eating HBH cichild pellets,spirulina pellets and the occasional brineshrimp. I also add algae wafers to the

tank. I dont really add veges because every time I have tried the cichlids get stuck iinto it first. I have 2 pleco's and 2 gibbiceps in with them as well. None of them show any signs of bloat.

Not sure what to do with them now. Any one else experienced a problem like this before? sadsmiley02.gif

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Yep, my featherin cats were like that, they were the smallest in the tank..

Now they are the biggest.

I want to get rid of mine though.. There aquarium pests..

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Ahh I liked them when they were smaller, they were more white with black spots, now they are big black things, I dont think they go to well in my tank, there huge and kinda ugly, gimme a school of multipunctatus anyday!

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