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Cichlid Books


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Could anyone provide me with the ISBN numbers for the following books so I can order them through my local bookshop.

Malawi Cichlids in their Natural Habitat (3rd editon) ,

Enjoying Cichlids (2nd edition)

Back To Nature Malawi Cichlids (2nd edition)

What price should I expect to pay and is there a better altenative than ordering through the local bookshop?


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Have a look at AOA, one of the forum's supporters. Down and to the left hand side of the screen. They do Konnings books as cheaply as I've seen.


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Thanks for the information regarding the books. I will send an order through to AOA as I belive that if they are supporting ACE then I should support them with my business. I am still interested in obtaining the ISBN on these books so that the school library is able to purchase copies for the students to access.


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Thanks Charlie for the ISBNs for those two books. If I have no luck on the forum I will ring around for the ISBN on the other book.

I have seen Malawi Cichlids in their Natural Habitat - 3rd Edition for $135 - $149 at a couple of stores.


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tfoster, just be aware that depending on how they label it for US customs, will possibly mean you must then pay import taxes. I got done recently because I was listed as a retail reseller by the sender or something.

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