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Some new pics


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Hi There,

Mods you are welcome to use my new pics for the gallery just credit my name Ziggy Deloie, thanks

Frontasa burundi

user posted image

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Tanganicodus irsacae

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Leptosoma kitumba

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Ps aurora

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Frontosa kigoma

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Alto sumbu

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Xenotilapia spilopterus

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Cynotilapia afra 'Cobwe'

user posted image

Cheers Ziggy

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Hi Arj,

Sumbus come from Malcom Wetpetz LFS in Brisbane. My are not that old and I have only a couple so no breeding happening there. I'll try to get some more

if available.

Sorry for my ingnorance but what is a avatar?

Cheers Ziggy

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Ziggy -

Do you mind if I use one of your pics on the cover of the NSWCS magazine?

If that's ok - I'll send you a free copy of the club mag if you send me an address smile.gif.


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Hi Dave,

Sure go ahead you can use any of my pics I post on this forum, will be interesting to see which one you use and thanks for sending me a magazine. I'll PM you my postal address.

Cheers Ziggy

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