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Whiptail Fry Deaths


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Hey guys,

My whiptails had spawned and had about 50 fry clinging on to the sides of the tank.

A couple days have gone by and it seems that they are dying in huge numbers for no apparent reason.

Water is from the main tank which all the parents are currently living in.

They are in their own tank. I have removed the father as soon as all the eggs hatched.

ph - 7.0

ammonia - 0

temp 25c.

sponge filter.

small water changes every few days. siphoned out waste.

what could be the reason behind all these deaths? its been almost a week now, and only 1 fry is surviving.

I have placed algae tabs in there, small pieces of cooked pumpkin/zuchinni/cucumber.

Am i missing something?

thanks guys,


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Hey Wes

Congrats on the spawn!!

Unfortunately I cant help u much with that as Im pretty bad at raising fry

But maybe you wanna try raising them in a tank full of algae seeing that youve done pretty much everything...

Ive read that there are tiny creatures living in algae that the hillstream loaches feed on, maybe ur fry may feed on these?

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Hi novafishy,

From memory he (danpri) said to put some lettuce leaves in an container of water and leave it in the sun for a few days. I assume aquarium water and not chlorinated water would work best. Perhaps shoot him a pm...

merjo smile.gif

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Sorry I have not got back on your problem,,,,a busy time of year for guys in my game, tons of work and not much sleep.

For starters, what sort of whips spawned for you ???? Loricaria, Rhineloricaria, Hemiloricaria , Sturisoma ?????

Yes they are are all "browsing" catfish but Lorisricaria and Rhineloricar like a little bit more meat in thier diet....micro or BBS for the fry as well a well cultured algae.

Sorry I can't give you absolute specifics for the various species as I am still experimenting myself and it is a real bummer when you can't even possativley indentify the fish one is playing with.

I have three different groups of whips at the moment that I am trying to breed and have no idea what they are ----certainly not what they were imported as and sold to me as. Some of the names seem totally "invented".

If you can give us a clue as to what you have, we might be able to giveyou a few pointers.


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Hi, I have found with all my types of bristlenose catfish, that if you don't let the fry feed on the parents poo they will usually die as they need the good bacteria for their digestive system to start working. I was told this when i started breeding catfish and it seems to be true. If you watch the babies in the adult tank, for the first 3-4 days they feed mainly on the adults poo. I have tried heaps of other things like putting them in a fry saver while they are still eggs and feeding them vegies,catfish chips and other foods but they all end up dying of starvation. So now, about 2 days after the eggs hatch into wrigglers i take a scoop of the adults poo and put it in the fry saver with them. I do this for about 3 days and then start them on a diet of fresh vegies and catfish chips and they are fine, also try not to keep the tank they are in too clean ....Anyway this is what works for me...Good luck with the next batch smile.gif .....Cheers.......Brad

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Ok...I have just been chatting with a friend that successfully raised 20 out of 30 odd. She used Tetra Min baby power for egglayers. They were Rhineloricaria genus.

merjo smile.gif

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Thanks for the replies and advice guys. laugh.gif


looks kinda like this:


but was sold to me and kinda looks like this:

Hemiloricaria fallax

I DO believe its the latter Hemiloricaria fallax species.

brad: i do believe in the poo thing too. i have experienced it with the BNs. poo = better growth and less deaths.

I will try the "lettuce leaves in an container of water and leave it in the sun for a few days" advice.

but wont all the "food" in the water be sucked up by the sponge filter?

even with microworms and bbs the sponge filter will suck them all up. although its not a very powerful air pump, it will no doubt still suck in some food into the sponge.

btw, its a 16" x 10"W x 8"H.

so its a relatively small tank, but good for the fry, as it is small enough so that food can be found more easily. but doenst looks like its the case.

thanks guys,


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