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Hope I am not asking the bleedin obvious as I could not find an explanation else where on the website.

Can someone please explain the senders informaion on the left side of a post, eg


"one blue box"

Group: Bristlenose

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This was in the herp forum, so I moved it here.

The info just shows how long the person has been here, their "group" (bristlenoses are general members, cichlids have access to the classified forum). "Hydra" or similar is just a way to show how many posts have been made by the member. The more posts that are made, the higher up the "food chain" it becomes.

The blue boxes don't really mean anything. It's just another post count identifier.

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I forgot and started a new topic while viewing a Herp post. Is there any way to start a new topic from "Active Topics" rather than having to open a topic first and then using the "New Topic" icon?

Do you have a list of the various groups and nomenclature, as well as the names and number of posts that they represent?


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Thanks Chester but the "Try Here" under the Ducksta's post does not open onto an active page. I would still like to have a list of classifications and their meaning / number of posts though.

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We may have to add another name for the 2000 post members as there are a couple over the 1500 mark.

Hmmm what's bigger than a guapote? smile.gif

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A guapote is a group of fish (not sure which is the biggest).

The fish you are thinking of is a Boulengerochromis microlepis (Emperor cichlid).

I think an emperor would dominate any of the guapotes so maybe it's a good title.

Please no arguments on whether a big, slow American would be as strong as the awesome machine that is the emperor cichlid LOL.gif

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The biggest guapote by fishing records I have seen online is the umbee. That seems to be supported by people keeping them in tanks also. I think the emperor is longer but lighter? Still, they do give that turtle a smacking in jewel of the rift.

Maybe the title for 2000 posts should be "I wish I had a life" or "Way too much time on my hands" or "Total fish nerd"


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Maybe the title for 2000 posts should be "I wish I had a life" or "Way too much time on my hands" or "Total fish nerd"


if im correct i think you approaching those titles.

well congrats to ducksta you are soon gonna be a "Total fish nerd". thumb.gifthumb.gif


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But at the moment I have a special title, so my nerdiness will remain a secret woot.gif

Yeah Duck,

But we'll all know once you reach 2000 that you're a total fish nerd with too much time on your hands.




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