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enhancing the growth of the youth


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Heart tissue itself is quite lean but usually engulfed in a layer of fat when purchased.

Beef heart considered to contain less fat covering than lamb or sheep's heart.

The preparation takes some time to remove as much of the surrounding fat as possible. We also found that it pollutes the water more than other prepared foods and clogs some filter systems.

IMO much easier to obtain protein from other sources. smile.gif



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Plenty of patience just no time LOL.gif

Make up plenty of other home made food that doesn't pollute the water the way heart of beef does blink.gif

Does any one know if there are many cows decomposing in south american waters and/or african lakes?? wink.gif


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1. Do one 20-30% water change / week - the fish will grow more quickly.

2. Minimise current in the tank (this will also make the fish grow more quickly).

Dont feed beefheart. Get a good quality food (Hikari springs to mind) and your babies wont be babies for long.

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Maximising protein = maximum growth rate.....right? I think to start with pellets that have a high animal protein content ie, squid etc are bettert as opposed to a vegetable based protein. I would combine some beef heart (pre prepared), mealworms and brineshrimp (brineshrimp is kinda fatty thought isnt it?). What about blood worms?. You wouldnt feed them to your Africans but what about Americans? I even give chunks of white bait to my american. Protein for good growth, pelllets with vitamins and colour enhancers for good colour. Also I suppose it goes without saying but good water quality and tank space also contributes to the growth rate thumb.gif

Minimise current in the tank (this will also make the fish grow more quickly).

Why is that? I would have thought that an optimum rate relative to the tank size you have is advantageous .

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If the current is too strong - then your fish (or fry) need to swim against it. This uses up energy they could use for growth.

There is obviously a minimum exceptable current (in my 2' tanks that equals one air stone powering a uplift in a sponge or corner filter - which is all the filtration I have in my 2' tanks).

But too much will slow growth.

I think best growth rates are acheived sustainably with a balanced diet (ie: a good quality staple)... other foods may increase growth in the short term only to affect long term health.


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well they are being fed hikari pellets so thats good will get some mealies but they are still abit small for them ATM but hopfully not for long. soon they are going into the 6x2x2 with 2 AC 500's and a via aqua 750 with lots of wood etc till they grow up as they are fighting already in their 3 ft grow out

thanks for the info so what i was feeding them was good as i though but just wanted some more opinions

will get pics of them soon VERY NIVE FISH cant wait till they colour got any idea when?

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