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Tropheus spawning trouble


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Tropheus spawning trouble

Noticed today that on of my girls is having trouble with laying her eggs they all seem to be sticking together. A group of about 4 eggs was hanging from her vent for about 30min then she must have freed her self from them the male was still trying to court her but she seemed more concerned about the little bundle following her around

Has anyone else had this trouble…..?

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Hi Jebe,

It must be so frustrating for you! I must admit i have never encountered the eggs sticking together. I have always noticed the female laying one egg at a time and the male fertilising it and then the female gathers the egg into her mouth.

How old is your female? Maybe the eggs r not mature yet. With time hopefully she will get use to the process. How big r the eggs? The ones my females lay r quite large - 5mm diameter.


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Hi Justin,

Never seen or heard of this before with tropheus - could be she has been egg bound and the eggs got stuck together in her tube....just a guess mate, im sure she will do it right next time.


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thanks for the help guys

yep she is ok and swimming around with a face full woot.gif

the first few must as you said be eggbound

all is going well, i'll have a few if this keeps up two girls holding

and still corting clap.gif

thanks for your input guys


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