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Filtration problem


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Hi all,

Does anyone have any experience with above filter. AFter having changed the white filter fabric inside I cannot get the filter to get any suction. It is running so slow and have tried putting the 4 baskets in as perfect as possible.

There is a start button which I can pull up and down to absolute no function whatsoever. I will just not suck in any or hardly any water so not cleaning the tank properly.

The suction is so low the filter couldn't even clean a tea cup ??

What am I doing wrong ?

Any suggestions !



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Try setting it up with an empty filter bucket (ie. no media) that will help establish if the issue is with the media slowing the flow or something else.

If it does not pump when empty of media, then i would check all lines for kinks/blockages. I would then replace the impellor. If none of that works I'd say the motor is RS. But thats just my opinion. SOmebody else might be of better help.

Oh wait, are there taps on the hoses? Are they open? wink.gif

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Thanks Ducksta,

Will try your suggestion. Appreciate your input. And yes the taps are on. But must be honest with you and the first time I forgot to switch them on, yes I am a bimbo I know. ha ha



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Hi Andy,

thanks your input, still the damn filter doesn't work, assume will have to take it to repair people.

Do you know of any of our sponsors who repair these filters ??

Will get another one aswell just to get the filtration up a bit.



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