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Cracked tank base


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Hi all,

After months of specultation and construction I moved my tanks into my fish room yesterday and discovered that one of my 2x18x18 tanks had a cracked base mad.gif. So I was considering cutting the base out and getting it replaced. Is it worth while?



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Hi Rosco, I agree with Merjo and if its too big for a small patch then you could always put in a new complete base over the old one. Cutting out the old one on a 2x18 is overkill IMO Esp for a fish room thumb.gif

I have 2x 5x18x18's both with cracked bases that I have repaired. The first was with a small patch the second has a complete sheet over the old base. Both tanks have been fine now for some time thumb.gif

Cheers and good luck


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Get a quote from a tank supplier before you think about it. A 2 X 18 X 18 should be inexpensive, so much so you may find you can get a new one for a similar price to a but if glass cut and taking into account the time and transport.

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Hi all,

Thanks for the replies I think that i will do the ring around for a piece of glass to fit the base as the crack is quite big and I would feel better replacing putting another piece of glass over the whole base. If it is too expensive I will just forget if not I will have a go myself. I will make sure that if I repair it then I will have it close to the door and drainage just in case thumb.gif .



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