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If I boiled say a weeks worth of zucchini *spelling* and put it in a plastic container and in the freezer would this be ok?? Saves boiling it everynight or so.. smile.gif Thanks

Also one question thats always been on my mind but had no reason to ask it is how often do peppermint BN breed? Just out of curiousity tongue.gif

Thanks alot,


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I'm sure it was on this forum,,,some one came up with the idea of freezing blanched zuchini, seperating each serve with pieces of plastic (icecream tub) so each days ration could be seperated easily.

As for how often they spawn ? I have seen some strange claims, but in my experience expect a female to spawn 8 or 9 times a year under good conditions. Every 40 to 45 days.


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Another option is to zap some in the microwave each night. 30sec for a couple of pieces then straight in the tank. My pleco and BNs love it.

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do you NEED to boil zucchini? I mean whats the difference between doing it and just leaving it normal

Just asking as I read somewhere it was easier not too, so I've jsut been making a kebab(on a metal skewer) of just normal zucchini and have been using that.

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I use to add none boiled (or microwaved) lettuce and the like I guess it reduces the ammount of waste or somthing.. I have no idea but I do know that it doesn't have to sit so long in the tank for it to become soft.


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some one came up with the idea of freezing blanched zuchini, seperating each serve with pieces of plastic (icecream tub) so each days ration could be seperated easily

Yeah, that's my method - just cook a whole heap then freeze then pull it out when you need it...works very well.


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