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Urgent advice pls


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Hi Folks,

I need some quick advice please.

One of my females spat - didn't like the fry saver (I usually put them in their own tank) ohmy.gif

I don't have time to make an egg tumbler, does anyone have any simple ideas for a makeshift egg tumbler? I was thinking a tea strainer with an airstone underneath???

Any simple/fast ideas appreciated, I'd hate to lose these fry (around 25 empress).



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Yep and you can simply cut a hole in a bit of polystyrene so the strainer can just sit nicely in it.

Put a rock on the airline so the stone does not move and attach the strainer to the side of the tank with a peg or a bit of fishing line.

Then make yourself some extra tumblers for next time laugh.gif

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Thanks guys - appreciate the advice

I dug around after my darling wife had left and instead of cleaning the house, dady dragged little 6 month old into the garage for the urgent tumbler project...

An old gravel cleaner pipe, some fly wire, and an old eheim suction cup maddly put together seems to be doing the job. Quite proud of myself really - took me 5 minutes flat laugh.gif

My wife wouldn't be happy if she found out I was saving the empress as opposed to cleaning the house in preparation for guests...naughty husband zipit.gif

I'll post some pic's of my hasty piece of work soon tongue.gif

Does anyone know if very tightly wrapped insulation tape will hold underwater? blush.gif



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