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riccia - has anyone every tried


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Hi Folks,

As the title says, I know it thrives in soft water, however I've also heard that it does well in normal tap water....

Any tried it in African water?



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I've tried it in african tanks with little success.

The water conditions don't seem to cause it any concern but I found that it does need a lot of light and fish that seemed to leave other plants alone still dropped by for the occasional peck at the riccia which simply doesn't cope with that sort of attention.

I did get a bunch that colonized the sump of a trickle filter and grew really well for a while. (It was getting direct sunlight for several hours a day but I had to move the rack as this made it difficult to control temperatures.)

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I agree with Laurie...I have it growing like mad in outside ponds and often throw it into the inside tanks as food/filtration aid. Floating riccia enjoys the close proximity to the overhead light unit but the fish do graze upon it lightly. Not sure how long a submersed matted piece would survive the vigorous grazing activities of your Africans though.

merjo smile.gif

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i would like to know of any plant at all that can withstand african conditions? i would like in particular some surface dwelling plants.

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Thanks for the replies folks, as always most appreciated thumb.gif

I might put some in with my multi's I just love look of Riccia and have to have it growing somewhere wink.gif



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