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Question on Shells for multis


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However, a very wise (old? LOL.gif ) man taught me that the less shells in the tank, the easier to catch said fry. And if you have ever tried to catch a stack of shelly fry from an over-shelled tank, you will agree.

One shell for every female, and a couple of spares is plenty.

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I've been breeding Mult's for just almost a year now, & IMO & from what I read, a safe formulae is 2 shells per fish. I personally have changed over to small pvc elbows to ease harvesting. The Multi's breed non-stop so they've given them the thumbs up. But yeah, 2 per fish has served me well so far & have continual spawns & Multi fry coming out of my ears since 4 weeks after I added the parents to the tank. (Started 1M/3F) HTH

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What size are the elbows barramundi?



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With 2 male and 3 female multies i set up an 80cm x 40cm tank with about 65 shells and they filled them all with babies and there are babies living under the shells too laugh.gif .

The shells range in size from common garden variety to french escargot size and a few bigger than that.

Harvesting is not a problem if you get a bucket and put a grate (25mm mesh is good) several inches from the top of the bucket then fill the bucket with tank water to a couple inches over the grate, put the shells with fish inside onto the grate and wait, when they see how far from the bottom they are they dive down and leave the empty shell for you to pick up. Then you can harvest all the fish from the bottom of the bucket clap.gif


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What size are the elbows barramundi?



15mm pvc. I'd post a pic but don't know how on this forum. I've siliconed them to a piece of glass at one end so they sit up. I used the same harvest method as canerod when I used shells, it's good advice! The elbows make it unnecessary, but the shells look a lot more natural. thumb.gif

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