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Help with Resun Products


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Hey Guys, having soem problems with some resun products i bought a little while ago (No comments on should have bought an ehiem etc etc please)

Ok so i have a HF-2002 HOB filter. Ok so it has been working perfectly, but now, the impeller wont start to spin on its own. The filters only new, so the impeller isnt worn out, but i have noticed the impeller shaft is quite loose and wobbly. Can someone please tell me if theirs is loose next time u clean it. Hopefully its the shaft causing the problem as then i get a new one on warranty.

Ok, i also bought a digital thermometer from AOA (they are bought $10). Ok so i have noticed that it always reads about 3 degrees lower than all my other thermometers. So can anyone please tell me if they also have this trouble with these thermometers.

Thanx Guys

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I have about 6 of those digital thermometers, I've never back to back checked them all though. I'll throw the lot in one tank & report back.

It could be a calibration problem I suppose, nothing's perfect.

edit: all mine are within one degree celcius blink.gif your's might be a dud.

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is there an obstruction touching the blades of the impellor anywhere on its travel?part of the plastic moulding that has a lump to stop the impellor i mean.or filter wool on the steel shaft?

has it heated up because the tank water level may been low during a blackout?the water will take a long time to run if tank water level is low on starting back up.or not start up at all?

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There is nothing i can see that is obstructing the impeller. Nothing on the shaft and the impeller isnt hitting anywhere. It seems to be that because the shaft is loose, The impeller and shaft just shake when switched on, instead of the impeller spinning as it should.

Dont know why the motor got real hot. It must be cause the impeller wouldnt spin. The water inside the filter was hot as well, obviously without cool water running through the filter, the motor got hot. My tank water is always full, but that doesnt matter anyway cause the impeller doesnt spin to suck water up anyway after the power comes back on.

when the power went out, the motor got very very hot

I should have said, after the power had gone out, then came back on, thats when the motor got hot, from running with the impeller not spinning.

Thanx for the replies, ill keep investigating

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