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fish tank heating


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im running many internal tank heaters im my tanks in the garage, whats more efficient, these in tank heaters or a oil heater in the middle of the room to do the whole lot?


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And less potential problems. Every heater is another possible expense when they need to be replaced, or when they just stop working and fry all the fish in that tank.

Having said that, I have 8 tanks in this room, and am soon to add another 14, yet I still prefer tank heaters to a central heater.

That's because this room is also my study. It has my computer, telly, stereo and beer fridge, and I prefer to be sitting in here in a comfortable environment, not sweltering at 27 degrees.

Sure it may cost me a bit more, but life is short and there's no prize for being the richest bloke in the cemetary. I'm here to enjoy life, within reason of course smile.gif

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I also prefer Internal Heaters over oil heater..

But i also depends if your room or garage is insulated good, then get a oil heater.

I like internal heaters because if one breaks down, just go out and buy another one and you will lose less fish!

But if the oil heater breaks down... trouble... major trouble!

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I disagree there.

Quite often I do not put my hand in every tank every day, so if one of my internal heaters were to stop working it might take me a few days to notice. However if the heater in the middle of your room suddenly stops working you'll notice as soon as you walk into the room.

But I still prefer my way, even with that risk laugh.gif

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Yes, but If you were away for a day or two, if one of the heaters broke down, you will only lose that one tank, but if your oil heater broke down, and you are away for quite a time, then theres a chnce all your tanks in that room will be dead wink.gif

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I heat my tanks the same way as Baz, but I find there is no need for heaters at all during summer.

The room that they are in is sufficiently insulated so the temp remains steady even though the out side temp is fluctuating. If your tanks are in an un-insulated garage then u will find they will be affected by the varying temps. And heating is a major concern.

i have 6 tanks running off 1 large internal heater. oil heaters make the room uncomfortable to be in . eek.gif


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been there done that with the oil heaters and atm im changing over to an air con system....way more effieient than the oil heaters and works both ways, keeps the room warm in winter and cool in summer.........

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Our garage is quite poorly insulated so I've insulated all my tanks by building a cabinet to cover the entire tank. Basically the tanks are surrounded by 10mm styrofoaum whenever the cabinet's are closed....certainly helps with the power bill! wink.gif



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