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Tropheus Tanks!


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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

May all your fish have mouthfuls all year long!

Enyoy the pics!

My Tropheus Tanks!

Tank 1: 30 inch AR850 tank with a colony of Tropheus Ilangi

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Tank 2: 20 inch cube tank with a colony of Tropheus Ilangi

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Tank 3: 4 by 2 by 2 with a colony of Tropheus Moliro

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Tank 4: 30 by 18 by 14inch tank with Moliro and Duboisi fry.

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Tank 5: 5ft AquaOne 150 tank with Ilangi, Ikola and Bulu points.

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Hi Dave -

Excellent photos!!! Do you mind (a) telling us what species are in which? and (b) if I use some of them in the SCP Gallery?

If (b)'s ok - I'd need your name to title the photos!

Dave aka

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Thanks for all the replies and compliments!

Steve...i tend to overfiltrate all my tanks and do 50% weekly water changes to try to keep my water as clear as possible!

Jamie...the ilangi in the first 2 tanks r from Jim as you know. I just got another 30 the other day...so i will have 50 in my new tank when it finally gets built!!!

Nick...there are plenty of barnacles for sale at St George aquariums which will make excellent homes for altos!!!

Rosco...the photos r very deceiving.

Tank 1 is a 30inch Aquaone AR850 tank.

Tank 2 is a 20inch cube tank.

Tank 3 is a 4 by 2 by 2.

Tank 4 is a 30inch by 18 by 14.

Tank 5 is a 5 ft Aquaone 150.

I know tanks 1,2 and 4 r too small for tropheus but i have had no problems with nitrate build up or aggression with either of them. However, they r only used as grow out tanks until i get another 4 foot custom built tank made to house all my ilangi.

Tiger....you have a sharp eye! There r a few Bulu points in tank no. 5.

Yew...thanks for the compliments. You can freely use my pics in the SCP gallery. I will show u some more of my close up photos of the fish if u want. I have amended each photo with a description.



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Tank 5 is a 5 ft Aquaone 150.

Hi MM,

If you don't mind me asking what filtration are you using on tank 5. I have the same tank and want to get some tropheus in about 12 months but I am unsure what to do about extra filtration.

thumb.gif Mike

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Hi Mike!

For my Aquaone 150 i have the overhead trickle filter, two Eheim Prof II 2028, one UV steriliser, one Eheim 2217 and one Otto internal filter (2000LPH). As i said i tend to overfiltrate. But i think u can get away with the trickle filter, one canister and one internal filter. The most important thing is to do weekly water changes (50% is ideal).

What Tropheus r u thinking of getting and how many?


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the overhead trickle filter, two Eheim Prof II 2028, one UV steriliser, one Eheim 2217 and one Otto internal filter (2000LPH).

That is some serious filtration, it must also suck the scales clean off the trophs LOL.gif .

What Tropheus r u thinking of getting and how many?

I was thinking of the classic beginners Duboisi but I love the look of Bulu Points Kirschflecks and Ikolas. I've got a bit of time to decide yet, still learning the ropes with Tangs and trying to get the water right and stable with some more forgiving species first.


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