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salt in tang tank?


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Hi all. I am in the process of setting up my fist Tanganyikan tank and just want to find out what conditions are the best for raising and breeding Calvus and Occies (third species as yet not decided). I mainly want to know if I should add salt to the water or not? Do others usually add salt or other buffers to their set ups (besides the lazy aquarists who just top up tanks straight from the tap dry.gif ). I want to achieve the best water conditions I can for these guys and am willing to put in the work and money required, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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For Canberra water I have been adding epson salts to the tune of 1 teaspoon per 20litres or so (at Laurie's and Steve's recommendation and when I have it as I am bit lazy myself) and I find that this is more than enough. This along with marble chip as substrate this should be fine. I don't add extra buffers to raise the PH as Canberra water is reasonably high in Ph but more importantly stable so the fish get used t it quickly. Steve and Mike (SKippy) purely keep Tangs and can give you a better run down of how they keeps his guys going with our water chemistry. This is the treatment that I give my Calvus and they are OK (touch wood)



So do you really feel part of the cichlid table now LOL.gif

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I have a Tang setup at the moment which has been up for about 2 years. For the first 12 months I didn't use any salts and had a pH of 7.5, KH and GH were both low. The fish seemed happy enough and no deaths.

Then I started using a DIY salt mixture (equal parts of Epsom Salts, Bi-carb soda and Marine Salt. The differences that I have noticed are things such as brighter colours in the fish, increased food intake and an increase in breeding. It could be said that these improvements are just due to an increase in age of the fish however the change was noticable within 2-4 days of making the change.

I now have a very stable pH of 8.5, GH= 20 and KH= 12 and still have happy fish.


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Shell the epsom salts are most important IMO. I would also add 1 or 2 tea spoons of sodium bicarb per 20L bucket to buffer the tank. The table salt (sodium chloride) is an optional extra. Good stuff!

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Thanks guys. So if I add 1 teaspoon each of epson salts, bicarb soda and aquarium salt per 20 L do you think that is the ideal mix? I also have the marble substrate so with all that I should be able to set up the best possible water conditions for them.

Then I started using a DIY salt mixture (equal parts of Epsom Salts, Bi-carb soda and Marine Salt.

How much of this mix do you currently add Chris?

So do you really feel part of the cichlid table now

You betcha Rossco. And I am cycling my tang tank with some of Laurie's electric yellows and the blue stripey Malawi dudes (very scientific terminology there). He he he, if I start to name them, he may not get them back. laugh.gif Let's see now, there can be daisy, daffodil, sunshine, banana, big yella etc etc for the yellows and bluey, stripes, etc etc for the blues. LOL.gif

Oh and before you have a go at my names Laurie, they sure beat spot, dot, freckle and the others you have come up with for your fish with spots. dry.gif

But squishy and fluffy are still cool. tongue.gif

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aquarium salt

If you get this from a fish store I would ask what it is because it could be anything (probably pool salt). Epson salts is probably all that you need. thumb.gif

I would also add 1 or 2 teaspoons of sodium bicarb per 20L bucket to buffer the tank.

Steve, I am not much of any expert with water chemistry ( I failed chemistry at school blush.gif ) but it was my understanding that this kind of buffering only last for a few days, is this correct?

You betcha Rossco. And I am cycling my tang tank with some of Laurie's electric yellows and the blue stripey Malawi dudes (very scientific terminology there).

Excellent stuff you are a welcome addition. HMMM I wonder if Laurie will let me cycle my new tanks with his black occies, adult calvus and his peppermints woot.gif



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Hi Shell,

Currently I am adding approx. 4 x Tablespoons per 50L. I should also mention that I have crushed marble as my substrate.

It took some experimenting to get the right amounts to add. Firstly I added 1 x tablespoon to a 10L bucket and measured the results. GH and KH were through the roof while pH was 8.5 and could not be raised by adding more DIY salts.

The amounts required all depend on the chemistry of your tapwater.

IMPORTANT: Add any salts slowly over the period of a day or two if you are trying to shift your pH a long way and allow enough time for the salts and minerals to disolve before testing water.

Hope this helps.


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Hi Shell,

The pH of Canberra water is pretty good but it is too soft, particularly when it is coming out of Cotter/Bendora.

I started keeping Tangs about six months ago so I've been doing a bit of experimenting and still trying to get the water as I want it. Once I do I've got my eye on Tropheus (I guess it means I'm not a real man since I didn't cycle with them LOL.gif ) anyway ...................

I've got marble chip substrate and some shell grit in my filter to act as a buffer.

I mucked around with DIY mixes with aquarium salt, epsom salt and bi-carb soda for a while but I found the bi-carb clouded my water for a day or so after water changes (no matter how much I dissolved it first). Now I use Aquasonic Rift Lake Water Conditioner, it's only $7.80.kg on-line and a small amount of bi-carb to raise the KH. The last time I checked my pH was 8.2, GH 240ppm and KH 150ppm.

Out of interest, did you get Adam's Occies? They're pretty hard to find otherwise, so grab em when you can.



Wow a serious thread from the Canberra crew zipit.gif

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Excellent stuff you are a welcome addition. HMMM I wonder if Laurie will let me cycle my new tanks with his black occies, adult calvus and his peppermints

You wish. If there is going to be any stealing of laurie's black occies, adult calvus or peppermints I will be getting in first as I have a key to the fishroom and know how to distract him long enough to remove them from the tanks and get them to the car without him even noticing. tongue.gif

Out of interest, did you get Adam's Occies? They're pretty hard to find otherwise, so grab em when you can.

Was that the guy in Melba selling the tank set ups? If so, he didn't respond to a PM I sent him about checking out his tanks. Otherwise, who is Adam?

Wow a serious thread from the Canberra crew

Would you like me to throw in a few naughty comments just to get us back on the typical Canberran track??? woot.gif I could mention that I nearly found out last night that body sweat could be used to increase the hardness of Tang tanks if you get thrown into a tank as punishment from being a bad girl in a heated fishroom. woot.gif

Gee I really had to edit that paragraph before I posted it. zipit.gif

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hey rossco... does this mean you've finally finished the fishroom?     

Pretty much it just needs to be painted I need to run the airline around the room and then purchase 1200+ bio balls eek.gif and the cycling can begin thumb.gif with .....

black occies, adult calvus and adult peppermints 


This and me going on leave for 2 weeks starting tomorrow it is all coming together



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i use aquasonic rift lake conditioner, its convinient at i tsp per bucket and keeps the ph at 8.2 gh15-16 and its reasonable at $10-14 , next time your in a lfs pick one up and read the contents its got everything the expensive(imported) ones have, ive used it for 18 mths no probs and fish breed thumb.gif

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This and me going on leave for 2 weeks starting tomorrow it is all coming together

Cool, so when is the big opening? Make sure the BBQ gas bottle is full this time. And don't forget the girlie drinks for the old bloke. thumb.gif

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ahem... I can see some "punishing" is going to be neccessary here soon unless you work out how to self-moderate on this forum *sigh* (hmm we need an S&M smilie)

yeah, especially after the Act forum get going after a few drinks and a late night swim.

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