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Largest Blue Acara?


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Just wondered what the largest one anyone has had. Also does anyone currently have a large and colourful decent pair. I would be interested in some fry. The fish has always been a favourite of mine but haven't seen a good one in years.

Regards Martin

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i have to agree with you martin , the ones you see around are mostly goggle eyed inbreds with underslung jaws, i think youll have to tour around the lfs's and pick out a few of the better fry, which currently seems to be under 5% and start your own strain of this underated fish(the first fish i bred in 1974)youll be doing the hobby a favour, in fact make it your holiday assignment LOL.gif

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I'll have to get into town . You don't see much at all living out near Richmond/Windsor. I only have to go back to 1984 LOL.gifLOL.gif only 20 years ago. I lived in Melbourne then and used to get quite a few of my fish from Heinz.

But it is something worth considering abit more than a holiday assignment though laugh.gif

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After working at more than one aquarium blue acaras always seem to sell pretty steadily so if you DID import some new blood and were able to breed some beautiful offspring I imagine you could make a tidy profit if that is the type of thing that motivates you smile.gif

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Just wondered what the largest one anyone has had

I currently have a male of 12cm SL, his finnage is very impressive but I must admit he is a little on the googly eyed, underslung jaw side. The female I had up to about 6 months ago cry2.gif was a really fine specimen, about 10cm SL googly eye and underslung jaw free.

I've been trying to find a female bigger than 5cm good, bad or ugly with no luck. If anyone has one I'd be interested.


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