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OT: Deadily species of fish ?


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Just wondering about fish keepers keeping deadily species?

Like some of the guys on the herp forums keeping deadily snakes ect..

I know a guy who kept a blue ring octopus for a while which he caught in a rock pool..

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well lionfish are kept by many marine people....sting rays are aswell. They arn't exactly deadly but they have very nasty venom. Don't know if anyone keeps cone shells but i am sure some psyco would laugh.giflaugh.gif .

I don't know of many freshwater deadly fish...at least in australia anyway.

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Yea it depends on the person more than the fish as to what is deadly. Depending on allergies and reactions, a graze spur from an Aussie Eel Tail catfish can kill you.

As far as I know, there aren't any FW species in Australia which would be deadly if the reaction was normal, just painful.

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The only native freshwater venomous species i can think of are Bullrouts and Catfish (I can't think of any australian freshwater catties that aren't venomous, or at least have some sort of irritant on/in their spines)

Bullrouts are a freshwater rock cod, so they hurt like hell, but you shouldn't die from a sting unless you have an allergic reaction to the venom. A lot of people go to hospital for painkillers from a Bullrout sting wink.gif.

I don't think Aus. catfish stings are generally quite as bad, but will have the same result if an allergic reaction occurs.

I couldn't tell you about saltwater fish people keep though. I don't really know what's kept and what's not.

Nor can i think of any exotic freshwater species, except for the aformentioned stingrays. (Though there could well be more)




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Yeah I was thinking more along the lines of saltwater species being more deadly.

Such as blue ring octopus ect and the like..

Cheers for the comments though.. thumb.gif

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