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Holding Socolofi photo


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Here is a photo of my socolofi (pindani) female they spawned this morning.

Also wondering if anyone has seen any socolofi around that have more black across the dorsal than she does. The male has a little more but I can't get a photo of him.


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Be very careful with the pindanis. I had a huge colony 2 males and 10 females and bought them from different shops. My breeding male had a strong black line on his dorsal and occassionaly had thin black bars on his body depending on his mood. Most of my females looked like yours. My colony were breeding like rabbits and I had hundreds of fry.

I have decided to sell my colony after a while on the old forum and posted a picture of my male as well and I was told that my pindani look crossbred. I took my male and a few females to the monthly cichlid meeting to show and it was confirmed that they were crossbreds. This was a really bad experience for me as I had to destroy all the fry. Actually, some fry came out brownish or yellowish instead of blue which I found weird before. You can see the yellowish colour coming through your female's fins that might not be right.

Sorry about my disappointing post, but I thought I better warn you as I was warned by other people before. Your pindani migh be the real thing, but I'm not sure anymore.

I got so disappointed with the pindanis that I will probably never get back to them.


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Thanks for the info roland, but the photo has picked up the orange sort of colour that they dont normally have i think it was just the flash so fingers crossed they are right. We already have some fry growing up from previuos spawns and they were blue even at 1cm so they should be right. I have to try and get a nice photo of the boy he has more black then her but won't stay still for long enough.

Socolofi seem so hard to come by have been looking for a while and we found these at a LFS, the babies appear to have the black running furthur up their dorsal so it will be interesting to see what they turn out like.



Have attached anothe photo at the top where she is more blue.

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