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biggest bristlenose


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i was in an aquarium on the weekend and saw the biggest bristlenose ive ever seen it had to be at least 15 to 20 cm it looked like a small pleco.after seeing him it got me wondering how big they can actually get.my question being this.how big are your bristlenoses and what did you feed them to get them to that size.

thanks jason

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Yea mate, no longer with me sadsmiley02.gif I think he was old? not sure of expected lifespan? He was just on 17cm on death. I have another 15cm male now. The biggets females I ever saw were at lungys place in Brisbane, not sure if they were as big as my males but my females never even seem to get close blink.gif

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ohmy.gif I never thought to measue bristles.

My current ~15cm male I grew from 2cm

My old 17cm male I bought at 10cm+ and he lived with me a a few years.

As for feeding them, I am pretty slack on feeding them directly zipit.gif Some algae pellets maybe once a week, They are usually quick to tear through frozen food mixes though. but mostly I guess mine live on scraps and algae. I don't keep lots of bristlenose in my tanks though so there isn't much competition for the food they do have access to. I keep 3-4 adults in 4x2 tanks. I could probably keep more, but then I'd have to feed them unsure.gif I have actually been considering starting to raise and sell fry rather than let them fend for themselves in cichlid tanks. I can't believe the market there still is for these guys... Where do they all go? unsure.gif

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ohmy.gif I never thought to measue bristles.

My current ~15cm male I grew from 2cm

My old 17cm male I bought at 10cm+ and he lived with me a a few years.

I can't believe the market there still is for these guys... Where do they all go? unsure.gif

I suspect many die due to water that isnt mature enough for them ?

How long did it take to grow them from 2cm upto 15cm ?

I have a pair that are growing steadily. Just wondering how long it will take to reach adult size?

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huh.gif A couple of years... Maybe more. They aren't something I turn over regularly. Once I have a few adults per tank I've just let them be. I see spawns occasionally but never react, and notice some juvies at sellable size but generally give them to my brother. I don't keep real tidy records so I have no idea how old anything is here. I have hard enough keeping track of my own time.
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