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Quarantining Plants


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There was a thread on this a couple of months ago. I think it was by Yew? who said he dunks his plants in a small amount of bleach to kill any nasties before putting them into a tank. Can anyone tell me how they do it as i cant find that thread and i lost my whole tank not long ago after a disease was introduced by a plant and not taking any chances this time.

Thanks Ricky

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The last time I bought Condie's Crystals it was from the pharmacy. As for dose rates, I don't think I was too precise. I placed the plants in a bucket of water with an airstone (just to keep the solution moving) and put a teaspoonish worth in. Make sure it's a bucket that you don't mind discolouring though as the solution leaves a brown stain on everything. Only leave the plants for 24 hrs or so because the dark solution doesn't allow light penetration.

merjo smile.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I found plain bleach to be more effective in killing more things (such as snail eggs and algae) than potassium permanganate, but it also kills more delicate plants (especially those with fine leaves).

If snails is the worry, then use copper sulphate as well. If you want to be really sure (especially if MTS is suspected), grow them in a seperate tank for a few weeks; the eggs can be quite hardy.

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