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Calvus with Fronties in 5ft tank?


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hey guys,

as the subject suggests i was just wondering if these two wonderous fish (calvus and fronties) wub.giftongue.gif could be kept in the same tank as one another. will be getting them both as juvis but htere will prob be quite a few more fronties than calvus. maybe 2:1 or 3:1. blink.gif

thanks for the input

Justin clap.gif

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yeah but they are both slow growing so by the time fronts are big, the calvus will be too....i know they don't grow huge but 6-7cm is easy big enough for a fronty not to eat em. Plus the altos have sharp scales so they would not be easy to swollow or eaven attack

Anyway its up to you, this is just my opinion



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Hi Justin,

I agree with Brett...it can be done, just don't be silly about it ie. size them according to their nature. Are these for that fabulous tank you recently acquired? woot.gif I have some 4 cm fronties if you're after some wink.gif

merjo smile.gif

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hey Andrea,

they sure are !!! that is, as soon as its cycled prob sum time a little after chrissy. i sure am looking for some fronties, r they 7 bars that youve got juvis of? if so, can u please pm me wiv price tongue.gif ta

tank sure is fantastic, im still stoked, thanks again tongue.gif


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frontosa and calvus are a match made in heaven. The only problems you will get are if your fronts are a bout a foot lomg and your calvus are less then say 4cm. In that case you may be in for a rude suprise.

Other then that they are both slow moving, slow growing, graceful and some of the best cichlids out of the lake bar Enantiopus sp. 'kilesa'



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I have about 15 plus Fronties up to 12 inches and in wiht them i have Calvus, Gold Comps, (i know i am not breeding them just for display) and also Julidichromis, the fronties didnt eat those guys the Julies paired up adn obliterated the others themselves and i also have tiny multifasciatus and they are starting to breed in there.

Make sure you give plenty of hiding spots of various sizes to suit the fish, i out a whole lot of those barnacle shells in in a big cluster and the Fronties can't get in them.

Must say thgouh i have not seen a Frontie go anywhere near another fish at night or during the day.

Thats my two cents anyway.


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