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N. multifasciatus


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They are pretty hard to sex as juveniles other than by their behaviour. in a group of siblings the smaller will probably be female and the larger will be male. when mature the females will generally be under 30 mm while males max out at about 50 mm. As for food, they are pretty easy going and will eat flakes and small pellets, although they prefer them with a non vege base like sera san. they also like krill, and any live food that fits in their mouths. Mine have all found microworms to their liking and that includes the adults.


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I concur, and would like to emphasise the point on live foods. They really prefer their food moving. A flake in a current will get some attention but a mossie wriggler, well you've never seen something as funny as a 2cm fish 'hunting' laugh.gif

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