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bioballs question


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ive recently built a sump for my six footer and was wondeering if anyone can tell me how many bioballs ill need to adequitely filter it.ive read about needing so many gallons of bioballs per gallon but im not quite sure how to calculate it.how many bioballs are in a gallon.and help would be greatly appreciatethankyou jason

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to save your self a lot of money i would be using gutter guard that you can get from bunnings or any good hardware store for $2 a roll.way cheaper than bio balls.

1 bio ball is 4cm sq or round, depending on the model.if you have a 40cm x 40cm sq area that you want to use for the bio media that would work out to 10balls x10balls =100 bio balls now if the area was 40cm deep you would get 10 layers of them whick works out to 1000 bio balls.

i'd go the gutter guard!!!!!


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How does the surface area of gutter guard compare to bio balls? I know heaps of ppl use it but i dont think the surface area would be equal between the two wink.gif

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well....... no maybe not but its not far behind, given long enough it will bed in and work well.

on my 2.5m tank i built my sump from scratch and recond it takes a good 2 to 3 month befor it starts working.

above the bio balls i had filter wool and that filtered out most of the crap befor getting to the gutter guard.


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Bioballs look better then gutter guard.

In a large diy filter setup gutter guard would be more economical ( under $2 a roll ) better and easier to manage then bioballs.

Bacteria will grow and die with the bio load of the tank, so try to have as much material as you can stuff in, more is better in my opinion.

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